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vrijdag 7 februari 2014

Innerlijk leven: muren afbreken die om je hart staan is noodzakelijk

Om Shantih

lieve allemaal

Soms hoor ik mensen zeggen:
"Ik voel niets" 
of ik hoor mensen zeggen
 "ik hou van je"
maar wat betekent dat nou eigenlijk.....

In mijn opinie zijn er honderden zaken op te noemen waarbij je kan zeggen ik hou van.......... nu is het zo dat 
de  muren om ons hart behoorlijk dik kunnen zijn, soms zijn ze zelfs  dichtgetimmerd. 
Zelfs zo dichtgetimmerd  dat er zelfs geen deuren en ramen meer in de muur zitten. 
Muren hebben, heeft te maken met ego. 
Nu is het wel zo dat je ego moet hebben anders kun je ook niet leven, maar ons ego zien we alleen maar als we spiegels hebben waar we in kunnen kijken.
Als we ons ego kleiner kunnen maken, als we in staat zijn de liefde in ons hart naar buiten te laten komen, die te richten op mensen, dieren, planten, situaties die bereidt zijn om dit te ontvangen, dan kom je in het gebied, waar 2 harten verenigd zijn Gods aanwezigheid te voelen is.

Dit is iets waar ik echt in geloof. Gelukkig ben ik daar niet de enige in. Er is een swami in India die er ook een duidelijke mening over heeft.  Misschien leuk om het eens te lezen. Ik zal het in de oorspronkelijke Engelse tekst weergeven.


I dont feel love in my hart

A few days ago I had a healing session which I would like to tell you about.
The man who was with me said “I don’t have love in my heart
This is my problem.”
After saying this he started crying like a child. 
Tears were running down his cheeks and sobs shook his chest
After a while he said, still catching his breath “I don’t have love for my wife and not for my little son, either.
When I hug them, I don’t feel love!”
I looked at him and said “I don’t believe you.
If you have no love, how come you are crying so much when even only thinking of this?
I don’t believe that you don’t have love.

Maybe you only have lost your connection.

If you did not have love, how would you be longing for love and crying for love? This is the proof that you have love.
You only need to reconnect with your feelings.”
I think this can be a problem of many people.
He has love inside himself but he doesn’t know how to give them love.
He is missing the feeling of being able to give love to those whom he actually really loves.
It is all in him, otherwise he would not be crying. 
He just wants to pass his love on and doesn’t manage.
If you find yourself in the same situation as this man, do what I told him, too: connect yourself with your love.
You believe that you don’t even have love inside yourself.
But if this grieves you this much, there is love, so go out and search for it. 

Or rather, go in and find it!

meditation is a good way to discover your feelings and to come from head to heart.
Stop thinking so much about it.
Love is not about what you should say or which gifts you should bring.
It is not about bringing your wife red roses or buying a new piece of jewelry.
It is what is in your heart, the essence of what you are. 
Feel how you have not only yourself there, in your heart, but also your wife and children, your family and friends
These are the people you love.
Discover your feelings and connect with your love. 
And then, when you have thus discovered your love, express it.
When you hug your loved one, feel how love is flowing in between the two of you.
Enjoy this feeling of simply being in love.
email: yogastudiolaksmi@hotmail.com